Getting rid of the “orange peel” – cellulite with the help of oranges!

стаття11Getting rid of the “orange peel” – cellulite and extra kilos with the help of oranges!Orange diet is designed for 3 weeks.A week of such food can lose 8 kilos.In the first week you need to eat every day in random order 2 boiled eggs, drinking 2 liters of pure water, and to eat a kilogram of oranges or grapefruits.During the second week of every day you can eat cereal porridge in unlimited quantities (they must be welded on the water, with no added salt or sugar), a kilo of oranges and drink 2 liters of clean water.In the third week of every day we eat a kilo of oranges, as well as fruits and vegetables of your choice (except potatoes, bananas and grapes), drink enough water, without restriction.

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