Methods, techniques – to lose weight.
Sport, diet, malnutrition, bad mood …. Oh, how tired of “uninvited” weight. He comes and comes and “causes the ring,” a woman who dreams and hopes to get rid of it.
How to lose weight? “Encoding” or coding of excess weight.
Word – the familiar. Action – the unknown. Coding methods are as follows. All wishing to lose weight, “try on” on themselves psychological training. It carried out by experts who are trying, using various techniques, aroused strong aversion to food and to the fact that only connected with it. Also, the experts “like” give ustanovochku on any particular diet.
Sometimes, the encoding is performed on certain products based on the preferences of losing weight. If women are crazy about the taste of cakes, it is holding “antipirozhnogo” coding. That women love most:
- Sushi.
- Pizza.
- Salads.
- Vegetables.
- Fruits.
- Cakes.
- Coffee.
- Tea with lemon.
- Yogurts.
- Pies.
Possible without the list continues. And so it is understandable: favorite female food, mostly full of calories. Of calories and try to encode that calories do not spread on the body, such as viruses.
This method does not act at all, because there are people who do not submit to hypnotic influence. Another reason: this technique will help only those who want to adjust their weight, in order to “release” of two or three pounds.
What happens to humans after conducting encoding? If it is held to wean a woman from sweet, the satisfaction of hunger occurs by replacing “sladkoezhkovyh” products on the other.
“Encoding” or coding of excess weight. – Reviews.
How to relates to the encoding of overweight women? By – ways, as, in general, and everything else. Opinion is changing, women – too.
Some, having tried coding on your own “bodily experience” against him, as it did not help them, even though they tried to do something for it. Through the efforts they call involvement in the process, passing techniques, “setting up” themselves only in positive and positive results.
In – the first effort of its kind – is not enough. In – Second, coding – it is not “cross” on the activity, sports, gymnastics and proper nutrition. These “things” do not have to forget. Coding – not a magic wand
In general – that if you are among the encoded you, so also is that – “fabulous” or fairy wand. Coding help you if you will not refuse to help themselves.
Laziness, due to the reluctance to “listen” gymnastic exercises in the morning, carrying their discontent, which concerns the fact that you can not eat as much as used to … .. If we combine these factors, you get a very interesting “kartinochka”: get rid of the weight you want, and do anything to get rid of it, do not want and do not aspire to.
There are women completely satisfied encoding method. They, this method, “advertise” to anyone who even he did not need. Naturally, those people doubt the effectiveness of coding techniques and is very surprised that the method they so imposing.
Women ignore the encoding method of excess weight, because they have learned that it will be necessary to bypass a lot of surgeries:
- Psychological. The psychologist will help to find out the reasons why this or that woman wanted to resort to the procedure.
- Endocrinology. And what if the cause of obesity lies in some diseases of internal organs?
- Nutritional. Perhaps the person versed in nutrition, will advise you to try an alternative method. And the coding will not have to think about.
- Athletic. Master of Physical Culture “prescribe” and show you what exercises the most suitable.
In addition to the psychological coding become popular method of encoding weight earrings. Keep in mind that it is addictive and has contraindications, which, in general, a lot.
Women refuse to be encoded, because they do not believe any opinions about it, any rumors. Many of them – husbands – alcoholics. Their wives are often coded from alcohol dependence. But the result is not long enough. They think and coding of weight loss – not effectively and talk about him just for the sake of advertising, for the sake of engaging customers.
Why it is only about women? A man never would have never gone to a no. He loves to eat and always believes that he is – “a man in his prime.” Some men say that their pious just have to love them every extra gram.
A woman of any and love. But, in spite of love, they always found time for a correction of its figures. It’s probably for the correction and created. In order to correct – yes, but Psychocorrection – not always.
Women refuse to be encoded, because they do not believe any opinions about it, any rumors. Many of them – husbands – alcoholics. Their wives are often coded from alcohol dependence. But the result is not long enough. They think and coding of weight loss – not effectively and talk about him just for the sake of advertising, for the sake of engaging customers.
Why it is only about women? A man never would have never gone to a no. He loves to eat and always believes that he is – “a man in his prime.” Some men say that their pious just have to love them every extra gram.
A woman of any and love. But, in spite of love, they always found time for a correction of its figures. It’s probably for the correction and created. In order to correct – yes, but Psychocorrection – not always.
Five percent of women who were coded to lose weight, consider that such a remedy only helps with extremely active starvation. They even stopped going to weddings, birthdays, corporate parties, guests …. Well, restaurants and cafes – all “forgotten past.”
Women, you already said a million times: fast – not! Such “impossible” can write billions of times. The main thing is that at least one of the attempts of his writing as something you worked.
Anorexia and protruding bones – an ornament of women’s bodies. Well, if you think so, then – enjoy your hunger! Interestingly, as well it found such a pleasant? The process itself, or something in his “middle”?
Coding – not what you wanted? Well, that is not encoded. Do not eat too much, that’s all. Very logical: extra food leads to excess weight.
How to get rid of excess weight? The fight against excess weight. Methods, methods of struggle.