Tag Archives : Сellulitis

Getting rid of the “orange peel” – cellulite with the help of oranges!

Getting rid of the “orange peel” – cellulite and extra kilos with the help of oranges!Orange diet is designed for 3 weeks.A week of such food can lose 8 kilos.In the first week you need to eat every day in random order 2 boiled eggs, drinking 2 liters of pure […]

Why do I get cellulite, stretch marks? From what cellulite and stretch marks. 1

Causes, the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks. How to get rid of cellulite? “Sweet Couple” stretch marks and cellulite. It is difficult to say which of these troubles are harmful and worse. Rather, they “complement” each other. From what and why stretch marks appear? Reasons. On the first issue […]

From what and why appears cellulite? Causes of cellulite. 1

Causes, the appearance of cellulite. Signs and the problem of cellulite. Cellulite – famous. Leaves no doubt about the fact that cellulite – a disease of lifestyle, it is imbalance and disharmony. But the real “field” of cellulite is still not thoroughly understood. However, it is known that the first […]

What foods cause cellulite. Products of cellulite.

From what products cellulite? What foods cause cellulite? Tortured cellulite. Fed Up. Tired? Ask for help to food. They know exactly how to ‘escape’ from this nasty and annoying “king of fat.” Let’s you lined up ryadochek products that will help fight cellulite and which on the contrary, will do […]

Essential oils against cellulite and from a cellulitis. Orange oil, olive oil, flaxseed. 1

Cellulite treatment essential oils. Struggle with cellulite help essential oils. Cellulite is often compared with the orange peel. However, what would not have been compared, the main thing – to get rid of. I’ll tell you about the effectiveness of three types of oils. Olive oil against cellulite properties: Heals […]